
What makes us different from other sellers is our unparalleled customer service and optimum technical assistance. Buying any of our products online or offline, entitled you for *unlimited support (Email/Chat) while the product is under warranty.

Imagine buying a cheaper RFID Reader or Finger print Scanner or other devices from an online market place where you don't know the seller is? Countless e-mail to request support but no reply, the thing is they may not even know how the products they are selling work.

The same true when buying from an overseas seller, it maybe cheaper but how would you request for support or what if you received it defective? That would be too bad, hope you can still return your purchases.

With Competitive Card Solutions you are sure that your request for technical assistance is to be taken care of, not just by any one but by our Technical Support Engineer, expert in the product you have bought, and that we are in constant communication with the manufacturer in case your concern is not supportable in our level.

So enjoy and feel confident shopping with us.
Any concern please send us an email to or chat with us.

Don't just take it from us, see what our customers are saying.

Carlo Consulta rated response from Kim Joshua Guzman.
Wow! You just made our day!
" This is the second time I've been assisted by Mr. Guzman, so far all of my concern have been immediately attended and resolved, and kudos to the rest of the CCS team that assisted me , "Aibie", "Mac" , "Kim" ,"Angelica" Thanks! Sincerely, Carlo Consulta Asian Ring Point Marketing Inc. "

Dave Devera
 rated response from Julius Beltran.
Wow! You just made our day!
" thank you for the support muy bien! "

Selyn Flores
 rated response from Kim Joshua Guzman.
Wow! You just made our day!
" I really appreciate the assistance of Sir Nole and Kim Joshua. "