Is it best to print your ID cards in house or outsourced?
Two basic options — printing them in-house or outsourcing. Both of these choices will ultimately provide you the with cards you were looking for. However, if you are looking for a cost-effective solution to get professional ID cards, in-house printing definitely makes sense.
Owning an ID Printer
- Low cost per card.
- No more minimum order.
- Print your cards quickly and on demand, no more lead times.
- Easy to operate - operator does not require special skills, works like a paper printer.
- Monitor the progress of ID Production, you’re in full control.
- Lesser risk of sensitive information leaving from the company.
Outsourcing ID card printing
- No initial investment on Machine.
- No maintenance.
- No additional load for your staff to operate the machine.
- Design, Delivery and production are done by your ID Cards Provider.
When you buy an ID card printer, you are looking at a very low cost-per-card – between 20 and 50 pesos. If you print hundreds of cards, you will definitely break even very quickly and cover the cost of your printer in no time.
However, the final decision is down to you and if you’d like to chat with one of the Identification team about our ID card printer range, don’t hesitate to get in touch today!